We’re breaking hiatus (and on a Friday no less!) to bring you an interview with Allen & Will, creators of the incredible Pocus Hocus! Issue 4 is now available on Kickstarter – listen now, and then back this project!
- Intro
- Background
- Recap Issues 1-3
- Pocus & Emily in hell, seeking souls to get Pocus out of his contract with the demon
- Emily turns out to be VERY proficient with knives
- Demons work like TWD zombies – cannot smell if covered in blood
- Moral: always be nice to animals
- Issue 4
- Screws start getting put to characters
- One of the creepiest character designs I’ve ever seen – Guillermo del Toro would be proud
- Kickstarter incentives
- Horus in Hell
- Grandma Chainsaw
- Genesis of story?
- How to differentiate from other horror stories with similar beginning
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