Issue 193 – Wonder Woman

Issue 193 – Wonder Woman post thumbnail image

Just after International Wonder Woman Day, we’re ready to travel to Themiscyra to talk about WONDER WOMAN! What can two cishet dudes say about the world’s most famous woman? Get that Lasso of Truth ready, spin around like a whirling dervish, and listen now!

  • Intro
    • First regular episode since we returned from hiatus – good to be “officially” back
    • DerpyCon panel – 10/26 at 4:45 PM – talking about Discord from MLP:FiM
  • Background (4:23)
    • Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter in All-Star Comics #8 (Oct. 21, 1942)
    • One of the most wholesome characters in comics created by one of the kinkiest people of his era – a polyamorist with a bondage kink and a fetish for powerful women
    • Born out of clay sculpted by Queen Hippolyta and breathed into life on Themyscira, Diana is an Amazonian princess with powers bestowed upon her by Greek gods
    • She was introduced by winning the right to escort Steve Trevor, a lost Air Force pilot who had crashed on “Paradise Island”, back to the world of Men – she stays in America and creates the secret identity of Diana Prince after paying an army nurse who wanted to elope with her boyfriend to South America #BecauseComics
    • Joins the Justice Society of America as the SECRETARY
    • Character goes through evolution in the 1960s – starts off with more focus on her Greek heritage, ends with her losing her powers and learning kung fu
    • 1987 – George Perez revamps the character and reboots her as an ambassador from Themyscira who comes to Patriarch’s World to bring us peace
    • Gets another new origin story in 2011 New 52, where she’s a demigoddess and the daughter of Hippolyta & Zeus – that gets undone in 2016 and Rebirth
    • Characterization has changed, except her focus on love and compassion
  • Issues: Theme is “Love is Wonderful, Except When It Hurts, Which Is All the Time” (6:46)
    • Ruby – Most stories are focused on her either standing for what she believes in OR she can have love – why can’t she be a total badass feminine icon AND have love as well?
    • Overpowering empathy (15:13)
    • Radical responsibility (26:15)
  • Break (32:30)
    • Plugs for Popcorn Psychology & Scotch N Sports
  • Treatment (33:38)
    • In-universe – Turn the lasso into bracelets
    • Out of universe – (36:16)
  • Skit (43:32)
    • DOC: Hello Diana, although I should be calling you a more regal name,I’m Dr. Issues. I have done extensive research on your background because if you’re like any of the strong women in my life, you don’t suffer fools.
    • DIANA: I appreciate that. And yes, Diana is fine. 
    • DOC: So, what can I do for you? 
    • DIANA: As much research as you must have done, I’m sure you already have ideas.
    • DOC: I’m really laid back to start. I prefer my patients to dive in and set the tone. 
    • DIANA: *unsure* That also sounds like a way to pad the hourly wage you make. No offense.
    • DOC: None taken. I’m getting the sense that you’re being courteous, but not exactly sold on the idea of opening up to me. 
    • DIANA: Is that so surprising?
    • DOC: No, not at all. So, I have a proposition for you. Give me the lasso 
    • DIANA: *flatly* excuse me…
    • DOC: *gulp* I’m not trying to use it! You’d crush me with your thumb alone. I’m saying…just…whatever, you know? 
    • DIANA: *wry* Start off eloquently, end up a fumbling mess. Why am I not surprised? *serious* Here’s how it works. If I use it, then you won’t be able to hold back. You’ll be more vulnerable than you could fathom… ανοιχτό βιβλίο, an open book. Ever had that dream where you’re in your underwear in front of a class? Multiply that by a thousand fold.
    • DOC: *sigh* Yup, lay it on me. 
    • DIANA: *lasso snap* Why are you doing this?
    • DOC: My only goal in life besides making sure the people I care about are taken care of, is to make sure that I don’t screw up too badly. 
    • DIANA: That’s…not very reassuring.
    • DOC: I know. I have many points in my life where I get evil thoughts, and I never, EVER act on them. I get drained by talking to people, and yet I do it for a living. I never think I’m actually that good at anything. I wish that I were in some remote mountain range away from society at large so I can finally know solitude. But that is a fever dream. I love my friends. I love my family. I tried to push away everyone with my weirdness, and I STILL SCREWED IT UP BECAUSE THEY EMBRACED IT. The world is messed up, and so am I. So are you. So is everyone. But we can all be messed up in the right way. 
    • DIANA: *pause* Soooo…I’m going to put this away now…you’re not exactly a marketer for yourself. 
    • DOC: And I know that I can’t deal with things alone. I’m sure you understand. But that’s why therapists aren’t supposed to open with everything, because I don’t need to pass my wounds onto you. This…this may have been a mistake. I understand if you want to stop. 
    • DIANA: No one ASKS for the lasso. You embraced it. That’s commendable. 
    • DOC: What did it do when you tried it for yourself? 
    • DIANA: I’m not sure what you mean. I can be bound, but…hmmm…
    • DOC: I’m not trying to imply that you are immune, just…like I said, maybe this was a mistake. I’ve dealt with immense power before, and sometimes it doesn’t work out the way I want it to, but I had boundaries. Forget the lasso, what is your ultimate truth about yourself? 
    • DIANA: *earnest and thoughtful* I don’t know if I can answer that without compromising one core value for another. I’m willing to make sacrifices that no mortal could survive. All for justice. But if that’s true, then how could I subject a mortal to the same? So, that’s out. And those who survive with me…they have their own. I’m there when no one else will be. But once the situation has ended, who will be there for me? Trick question; I’m all that I ever need. But I choose not to believe that all of the time. I allow my vulnerabilities to become assets…wow, that doesn’t make sense when I say it out loud. What I’m getting at is, every part of my being must endure. For the good of everyone’s sake, that is what I know. And my life is only the richer if, at least some of the time, I can have those who understand by my side.
    • DOC: *stunned silence* It must have taken you years to come to that conclusion. 
    • DIANA: Decades. Centuries, even. 
    • DOC: And it doesn’t sound like you have any intention of slowing down 
    • DIANA: Only if I want to, and not permanently.
    • DOC: You may want to enjoy the journey, not just the result 
    • DIANA: Κάθε εμπόδιο για καλό. The next challenge is the next reward.
    • DOC: So do you enjoy the challenge itself, or just the reward? 
    • DIANA: It may sound perverse, but…there have been times where I was in combat, and that’s all that mattered. I could sense everything about that moment. Glimpses of past experience guided my moves. Days of endurance compressed into a single blow. Fear was there somewhere, but so was gratitude. Peace, even. Then triumph, and a small portion of regret that I’ll never feel that again unless it’s demanded of me.
    • DOC: Wow, you hit heavy, and I don’t just mean the physical sense. I *beeping/buzzing noises* 
    • DIANA: *suddenly confused* What is that…why is your wrist glowing? Are you some sort of demon?
    • DOC: Huh? Oh no no, that…uhh…it’s hard to explain, but my watch blinks and buzzes when I get an alert on my phone. 
    • DIANA: *still confused* Your watch is under your skin?
    • DOC: Oh, um…well, I probably should rip this off *tearing sound* oowwwwww that hurt more than the instructions said. I put on a layer of biomaterial that matches my skin so the lasso’s effects would be dampened. I was worried I’d give out my social security number or something. 
    • DIANA: *angry* YOU TRIED TO DEFY THE TRUTH?! λούγκρα!
    • DOC: NO! I…am an honest man to a fault. I just don’t want to be too embarrassed or weakened or something…look, it didn’t even work. Everything I said was true, and you can put it on again to make sure. 
    • DIANA: *calm* No need; people have tried that before. Where did you get the idea for that anyway?
    • DOC: I’m not allowed to 
    • DIANA: *interrupting* Bruce.
    • DOC: *pause* I’m still not allowed to say anything. 
    • DIANA: You don’t hide your face well.
    • DOC: It’s the only way I can live with myself. I hope you understand. 
    • DIANA: As with every man I meet, all I can do is try.
  • Ending (50:20)
    • Recommended reading: George Perez run, Wonder Woman: Historia
    • Next episodes: Storm, Shadowman, Man Wolf
    • Plugs for social & GonnaGeek Network


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