Issue 114 – Batman by the FansIssue 114 – Batman by the Fans
For our 3rd BatMarch episode, we turn things over to YOU, the fans, to sound off on the Dark Knight. Memories, favorite moments, it's all here - listen now!
For our 3rd BatMarch episode, we turn things over to YOU, the fans, to sound off on the Dark Knight. Memories, favorite moments, it's all here - listen now!
For BatMarch episode 2, we sit down with old friend Ben Stover, and Dr. Travis Langley, who literally wrote the book on Batman & psychology. How does it turn out?
Mylo Caliban is a bad influence.
For the first episode of BatMarch, we examine Batman's relationships with several characters, most of whom we haven't covered yet. How do they handle being allied with the Dark Knight?
It's murder, mayhem, and mania beamed directly to your brain thanks to MOJO! What can this spineless TV executive do to wind down? Tune in to find out, same Capes
Red is seen in both Love and War!
We travel to an alternate Soviet Russia to examine Superman: Red Son! How can people from completely different backgrounds peacefully coexist? That and more in this episode - listen now!
Ariel makes her long-awaited column debut on Capes on the Couch with this intro of the Longbox View, before we delve into a more formal post later this week!
We make our first venture to the world of the Lunar Chronicles to meet the evil queen Levana Blackburn, whose problems are much more than skin deep!
Just as The Last God finishes up, we talk to writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson! What inspired him to write Last Sons of America? How did his personal fighting style influence