Issue 10 – DeadpoolIssue 10 – Deadpool
Anthony sings the Bee Gees, Dr. Issues channels Madeline Kahn, and the Patreon is announced. Oh, and they also talk about the Merc with the Mouth, Deadpool!
All episodes on Marvel characters
Anthony sings the Bee Gees, Dr. Issues channels Madeline Kahn, and the Patreon is announced. Oh, and they also talk about the Merc with the Mouth, Deadpool!
Anthony and Dr. Issues dissect the God of Mischief, Loki! They also talk sibling rivalries, gender fluidity, and sing the Odd Couple theme. It's a good one, we promise.
Since the original recording of the Loki episode featured corrupted audio, we thought we’d release the skit (which somehow was undamaged) as an apology to the fans. So enjoy this
The Avengers: Infinity War special - THANOS! Anthony compares Infinity Gauntlet to Beauty & the Beast, Dr. Issues talks God's Debris, and the most far out couch skit yet!
Anthony and Dr. Issues take on the reluctant superheroine-turned-private-investigator, Jessica Jones! Alcoholism and PTSD make for a dangerous combination, but our hosts are up to the task... Dr. Issues's office,
Anthony goes totally fanboy over his favorite character, while Dr. Issues tries to keep things on track. It's a miracle this episode was only an hour...
Anthony waxes and wanes (pun intended) poetic about Moon Knight. Be warned, it's a bit lengthy - lunar eclipses don't last as long as this post.
Dr. Issues learns we don't have the licensing budget for good music, and Anthony discovers he's like Iron Man, but not in the cool, mechanized suit-wearing kinda way.
Our debut episode, where Anthony & Dr. Issues introduce themselves, discuss Eddie Brock, and discover that psychiatrists are underwear salesmen. Sort of. It's a metaphor.